Tuesday, June 5, 2012

23rd Psalm continued

Psalm 23:3 He Restores my soul, He leads me in the path of righteousness for His name sakes...

Abbi like to put major en fices on the He Restores my soul.. We told Abbi that this means that we are spiritually tired and He gives that "Spiritual Redbull" He is our energy drink for our spiritual life...

He leads me in paths of righteousness- HE leads us where we should go...Do we always go that way no but that is our own fault and not the Lord's...

For His name sakes-His name is always there it will always stand...

Psalm 23:4 Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, For thou art with me..Thy Rod and thy staff they comfort me...

We will all go through scary times in our life, but we have to remember there is no need to fear the evil around us because the Almighty is right there with you...

To Shepard's their rod and staff were important tools...They were probably really only one tool the rod being the slender part of the tool and the staff representing the hook like on the top...They could have been two separate tools (we will never know) The rod was used to help warn off danger, Shepard's in this day encountered many of animals that would want to Harm the sheep so the Shepard would use the rod to scare them off or kill them...
The staff was usually hooked to help herd and lift the sheep out of trouble in a lot of cases...

That is where our little princess is at in these verses...she is doing a tremendous job memorizing them for a 3 yr old we are very proud of her....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Psalms 23-A great chapter for life....

Our 3 yr old is memorizing the 23rd psalm a little at a time and we have to explain to her what each verse means because she is so little and is still hard for her to understand the scriptures...So I have been explaining it to her in animal terms as in sheep so here is how it is going we are on day 6 and she has the first 2 verses memorized and is working on verse 3....
Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want....(Abbi Version-The Lord is my Shepherd, He gives me everything I need) The job of a shepherd is to guard the sheep from the dangers of the world, ...We are the sheep that need to be guided by the shepherd. And He supplies all our needs...
Psalm 23:2 He makes me lay down in green pastures, and leads me beside still waters. (Abbi- He makes me lay in green pastures, brings me to still water) I particularly like this one because sheep like to lay in green pasture because they can eat and be full, they like green grass. So this is saying that the Lord is giving us all the food and shelter that we need. He leads me beside still waters the meaning behind this is even more important because it is saying He goes above and beyond to make sure we are taken care of because sheep don't like to drink from rough running water because it scares them, so the Lord takes them to STILL water.
It amazes me how the verses that were wrote so long ago can still affect us in our lives today.I really hope you got something out of my interpretation (for Abbi) of the 23rd Psalm vs.1-2. Stayed tuned for the next 2 verses...When Abbi Memorizes them all I will post a video of her quoting them...

Our life has been crazy this past month, with graduations, parties and just running for something or another all the time we are due for a quite time to get a break from the world. I think that we might take a Weekend in July and go away for a few days.

I hope you all are blessed in everything you do...Don't forget that the Lord is the almighty Healer who can fix anything from Ear bones to disappearing tumors....

Love ya Becky

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It has been awhile since I wrote on here...Well alot has happened in the last few weeks Abbi went back in for her eye appointment and now she has to wear a patch on her right eye to make the left eye work better...And I wasn't going to buy a pricey eye patch so I went to sewing some so pictures coming soon...Mia is 6 months old now, it is crazy how fast they grow...We went to the park on Easter and had Ari shoot a few family pictures... our first with miss Mia...

I have recently finished a carseat recover that I have been working on...Lots of fun projects going on around here....

Monday, April 16, 2012

My how time really does fly!!!!

Yesterday my little one turned 6 months old...Wow time really does fly by. Abbi had to get glasses back in Jan and we went back for a follow up and there isnt much improvment so now we add the patch for 2 hours everyday we play pirates...Abbi also  is playing soccer for the first time this yr. She was supposed to have her first game sat. but we got hammered with rain here so no game o'well there is next week.
Well off to finish dinner..
Have a blessed day...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life around here...

Well it has been busy around here...I made cute matching outfits for the girls for the Sunday before Valentines and the loved them...Made Banana Bread yesterday...We got some snow yesterday also and it was a nice refresh...After having a very mild winter to get a couple inches was fabulous...Got pics of Abbi playing in it will post soon... today we have to take valentines pictures...Enough for now

Friday, January 27, 2012

28 Yrs of blessing from my Lord...

Today is my 28th birthday and in 28 yrs I have been blessed tremendously...
I have a family that loves me...My dad has always been a vessel of support there may times that we don't always agree with things but I will always love him at the end of the day, I am very thankful to have had a Dad all these yrs there are so many with out dads out there.Love you, Dad. My mom, I learned alot from my mom over the yrs and I am very thankful I know those skills. She taught me how to sew at a young age, I remember in 4-H, we had to sew clothes. Alot of the other girls clothes looked perfect, but it was because their mom sewed it for them, mine taught me how to do it even if it meant ripping it out and starting over. She has also taught me to cook which provides food for my family.I love you, Mom. I have a wonderful sister, who I will never take for granted of having. Because life is short...Tell people you love that you love them daily. My sister was diagnosed with cancer 7 yrs ago and has been in remission since shortly after I am very thankful for each yr we have together, there are things my sister knows about me that no one else does it is because she gets me...Love you Tabitha. I have two brothers. Joshua the oldest younger brother, He and I well we aren't that close because he lives so far away, but if it came to anything I know we would be right there for each other...Eli, Good old Baby E. He came along when I was 14 so we got prettier close when he was little. Eli loves to see his niece's. ( He would rather go to Tabitha's house b/c she is more fun). Love you, Boys. Then we have Kylie, My niece. Oh, Kylie how you have grown. I remember the day you were born. I was so excited to hold you in my arms. You are still very precious to me, and you will always be...Love you little girl...
My husband, There may be times that we don't agree but I Love you...7 years ago in 3 days we met, and my world hasn't been the same. God put neon signs in front of me to show me we were meant to be together. When we got engaged we heard from alot of our friends that we wouldn't make it that our marriage would fail, well here we are 6.5 yrs later, and still married and learning to fall in love all over again. We have had our in sickness and in health, in richer and in poorer, (more the poorer LOL) and many more, and because of these vows and b/c we have toughened past the hard parts we have two wonderful blessings named Abigail and Amelia.
Abigail, my baby number 1. We tried for her for almost 2 yrs, we were getting a little discouraged and we prayed to the Lord ok we are leaving it up to You, Lord, You will give us a baby in your time, so we stopped trying bought a car, and went on with our life and then we found out on my 24th birthday that we were expecting a Baby...That was our Abbi, when she was born we were ecstatic, with the overwhelming blessing we felt. She was PERFECT!!!! Then when Abbi was almost 2 we decided we were ready for another one and nothing happen so we just started praying with Abbi for a baby. Then on February 2011 on Valentines Day we found out that we were having baby number 2...Amelia, She is currently 3.5 months old. But everyday her personality is changing and turning into her own little person, she doesn't look like our other little girl but she too is PERFECT...
I am also blessed with 2 brother in laws Eric, Jeremy and two sister in laws Cass and Jenny. Another niece and two nephews, Emma, Jo Jo, and Nate. Also a set of In-laws, Todd and Laura Wise.
I am so blessed with many other things my friends, Church, house, food, a running car...And my breath each day. Thank you Lord for my blessings...

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Ephesians 1: 3(NKJV)

Monday, January 16, 2012

So much for dedication....LOL

Hello all out there...I was supposed to write everyday, well so much for that...I have been ubber busy, My life got a little chaotic for about 2 weeks we got the nasty stomach here at the house...I have been early spring cleaning here...

Things I have learned in the last two weeks...
Time with my girls is so precious! I love that I am able to stay home with my girls, there are so many things I would miss if I had to go to work.

Kids and glasses are a fun combination...Abbi got glasses this week she is doing great and loves them...

My girls are growing so very fast...
My Abbi is now three and told me vegetables are good for you i am going to eat my vegetables now mom...Mia is 3 months old, almost rolling over and trying to sit up she is always pulling her head up she doesn't however like tummy time...They grow so fast....

Well maybe more later if i can think of something intelligent to say LOL


Monday, January 9, 2012

Breastfeeding doesnt Suck!!!

Here are just a few benefits of breastfeeding your children, Join the cause!!!!


I am a breastfeeding advocate. I feel that you should be able to feed your baby just like a bottle feeding baby would eat anywhere anytime...If you want to cover up or not that is your preference, I personally like to cover up when i am not home but even the mom's who choose not to cover up they don't show any more skin then your typical beer commercial does...So support those moms you see doing it by encouraging them they are doing what is best for their child...

The First weekend in Jan

This weekend was a great one...Sat. Morning we went monthly grocery shopping...Came home and did lots of cooking...I made homemade meatballs (first time ever to make them) they turned out wonderful if I might say so myself...I then made a bunch of breakfast burritos and froze them...WE then had friends that we haven't seen in awhile come over to the house for a fun evening filled with games food and conversation...Sunday we then went to worship Our wonderful Savior at church yesterday and then I sewed a Nursing Cover in the afternoon then back to youth group in the evening and had a great time with our kids...

Mia is growing like a flower, she is starting to blossom into her own little princess she got a little play laptop for christmas and it says 6mo+, she has figured it out already she hits the buttons to make it work and moves the little mouse, I have to say I might have a genius on my hands LOL

Abbi does alot of things that amaze me. Last night after youthgroup she was standing by the stand (makeshift puplit), Saying "Here is our lesson, God Loves all the people, all the houses and churches. God loves all the trees, and Peanut's (that is what we call Mia) carseat...ETC. She went on for about 10 min why I was nursing her sister she was telling us about God...I love that she is learning the knowledge of our wonderful Lord...She also goes around saying A-B-another B-I that is how you spell Abbi...

Well enough for now I am off to pull somthing out for dinner...
Have a great day and be Blessed and remeber "Be a Follower Not a Fan, Of Jesus that is!!!!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Epic Fail :-) Not Epic just Fail...

Today I come to say that I didn't get my list of things done that I wanted to...I did do a picture I actually did a lot of pictures I took one yr old pictures of the twins...I did get something baked we made brownie waffles (I personally didn't like them, I don't like the outsides of brownies and this was like a whole pan of outsides) I didn't get a craft made, maybe today...
But I did spend time with my little girls I spent a few min just talking to Mia, and I spent a few min holding Abbi why she slept :-)...I read a bit of the new book I am reading  "Not a Fan"
So we will see how we do today, Bread is on the baking agenda I am getting ready to go start that right now...
Here is my picture from yesterday (well my fav from the shoot)
Have a wonderful day and always Glorify the Lord in all you do!!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A day at the "Crazy House"

Hello Blog world, I will start off by telling you a little about myself and what I do..
I am Becky, I am a Princess, a Wife, a mom, and a sitter, and Craftaholic, and photographer...

I am a Princess, By that I mean I am a follower of Jesus. I am Not a Fan, but a follower. My day starts by thanking Him for another day, and throughout the day I talk to Him like He is walking around the house with me, I wouldn't make it through any day with out Him to turn too.

I am a Wife. I am a very happily married woman, don't get me wrong we have our moments but it doesn't for one moment mean I am not happy. We met 7 yrs ago in West Palm Beach FL. I wasn't looking for a relationship, He had been praying if he was meant to have a wife that God would drop her in his lap...Well needless to say I fell in his lap (literally, that is another story). We got married in August of 2005, and moved straight to MO to attend BBC (Baptist Bible College) Where we spent 5 yrs of our life...

I am a Mom, My 24-7-365 days job, I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world our 2 daughters are definitely a blessing from the Lord... We have our 3yr old Abigail Grace-Abigail from the Bible, means Joy of her father, Grace-is a Free gift we don't deserve and Aaron and I met at Grace Fellowship...Amelia Gene is almost 3 months, Amelia-Work of the Lord and it was my great grandmothers name, Gene-Well born, but picked it because it is my dad's middle name...Those are our girls, they are very special angels. Everyday we are trying our hardest to guide them in the manner we want them to go: Heaven Bound. We pray with them, read them God's word, teach them about him daily and pray FOR them...

I am a sitter, I watch 2 little ones that are alot like my own, they are a set of twins, a boy Ayden, and a girl Aliayah. I have had them since they were 3 months old and they just turned one, they are a big part of my daily routine so thought I should tell you about them...

I am a CRAFTAHOLIC: I am not in denial I am past that point, I know that I love it and that it is a great passion and it consumes my thoughts sometimes...I am always thinking of new and fun things to achieve...My crafting is not limited to one thing I like it all I like to paint things, Modge Podge, Cricut, sew,bows, scrapbook, glue, do crafts with Abbi. She is following in her moms footsteps she loves to craft....My goal is to do one a day for the yr. Even if it is just sewing a skirt and matching hair bow for each of the girls...

I am a Photographer...That is my true passion after God and my family...I love to capture that moment forever. My business is Road of Life Photography, that name was picked with a lot of consideration and prayer. After lots of research and prayer I came up with the name based off
Psalms 16:11-You will show me the Path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
My goal is too give you an Atlas of your life.

So as you follow this new adventure in my life, I hope to give you insight of my life and what we do...Some goals are for me this yr are too 1. Get in a exercisse routine, just to get healthier I want to be able to live  ahealthly life for God 2. Start homeschooling Abbi this yr, she is only 3 but the sooner I start the easier it will be. 3. Do a craft a day... :-)  4. Take pictures of my kids everyday. 5.Expand my photography.  6. Grow closer with the Lord, To be a Follower and not a Fan.  7. Grow closer with my husband.  8. Bake somthing everyday.   9. Read 200 books...I know that is a lot but not really considering I have read 3 since Christmas...

Thank you for following and I am going to try to write a post a day Monday thru Friday...Sat. might just be a sentence or two.Sunday will just be a verse that inspired me that week....
