Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It has been awhile since I wrote on here...Well alot has happened in the last few weeks Abbi went back in for her eye appointment and now she has to wear a patch on her right eye to make the left eye work better...And I wasn't going to buy a pricey eye patch so I went to sewing some so pictures coming soon...Mia is 6 months old now, it is crazy how fast they grow...We went to the park on Easter and had Ari shoot a few family pictures... our first with miss Mia...

I have recently finished a carseat recover that I have been working on...Lots of fun projects going on around here....

Monday, April 16, 2012

My how time really does fly!!!!

Yesterday my little one turned 6 months old...Wow time really does fly by. Abbi had to get glasses back in Jan and we went back for a follow up and there isnt much improvment so now we add the patch for 2 hours everyday we play pirates...Abbi also  is playing soccer for the first time this yr. She was supposed to have her first game sat. but we got hammered with rain here so no game o'well there is next week.
Well off to finish dinner..
Have a blessed day...